Whistleblowing Policy

DFCITY Group BerhadWhistleblowing Policy


The purpose of this Whistleblowing Policy (“the Policy”) is to govern the reporting of improper conduct at DFCITY Group (the Company and the subsidiaries). This Policy aims to provide a platform for employees to raise concerns and reassurance that they will be protected from victimization for whistleblowing.


This Policy applied to all employees of DFCITY Group. All employees (included permanent, contract or part-time), Directors, shareholders and other stakeholders are encouraged to disclose any improper conduct that may adversely impact DFCITY Group.

Policy Statement

a. The employees and others stakeholders are encouraging to make any report or disclosure honestly and openly that the concerns or complaints raised will be treated fairly.

b. All complaints or disclosure must be raised without malice and in goo faith. The individual must reasonably believe that the information disclosed are substantially true and have sufficient evidences. The complaint or disclosure must not made for the purposes of personal gain.

c. The Company will ensure the employee who rises a complaint or disclosure will not be penalized, will not suffer harassment or suffer any adverse treatment.

d. The whistle blower is required to identify himself or herself in his or her report. This will facilitate the investigator to obtain further clarification or information and communicate on the investigation results to the whistle blower.

Improper Conduct

Improper conduct under this Policy means:

  • Misappropriation of monies;
  • Misrepresentation;
  • Violation of laws and regulations;
  • Breach of the Company’s policies, practices and procedures;
  • Endangerment of public health and safety;
  • Criminal offence;
  • Improprieties in matters of financial reporting;
  • Dishonest of fraudulent act;
  • Misuse of Company’s information; and
  • Any other detrimental wrongdoing which nature is subject to absolute discretion of the Company.


a. The whistle blower should report or disclose in writing, information regarding for the types of activity, identify who is or are suspected involved and when it is occurred.

b. The whistle blower must provide information of the facts. Any information obtained from third party will not be entertained.

Channel of Report

a. The whistle blower should promptly report the improper conduct information to the Chairman of Audit Committee in writing.

b. The report or disclosure should be sealed in an envelope marked as “Private and Confidential” and mail to:

Mr. Chong Peng Khang
Chairman of Audit Committee
DFCITY Group Berhad
Formerly known as Hock Heng Stone Industries Bhd.
No. 60-1, Jalan Lagenda 5
Taman 1 Lagenda
75400 Melaka, Malaysia

c. The Audit Committee is responsible for investigate and makes appropriate recommendations to the Board with respect to all reported concerns.

d. Audit Committee will take action include follow up in writing with the whistle blower for complete closure the report.

e. The Audit Committee has authority to obtain legal advice, consultants, private investigators or other resource to conduct a full or details investigation of the allegations.

Review of the Policy

This Policy would be reviewed and updated by the Board or the Audit Committee in accordance with the needs, among other reasons to maintain compliance with the laws and regulations. Any update of this Policy shall be effective after it is circulated to all employees of Hock Heng Group in writing.

Copyright © 2023 DFCITY Group Berhad. Reg. No 200801038692 (840040-H). All rights reserved.